50 Interview Questions About Influencing Others (With Answers)

Inspiring a room full of people to take action is tough. Here are 50 interview questions about influencing others.

Being able to influence others is a crucial skill to help get people to achieve their own or company goals. This post highlights how influencing others is important in the workplace. It also includes 50 interview questions about influencing others.

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What is influencing others?

Influencing others is a powerful soft skill that involves the ability to guide or shape the behaviors, attitudes, or decision-making processes of others without exerting direct authority. It's about winning hearts and minds through persuasion, negotiation, and emotional intelligence. Effective influencers are adept at understanding and empathizing with others, communicating clearly and convincingly, and building trust and rapport. They leverage these abilities to inspire change, drive collaboration, and achieve shared goals, making influencing a critical skill in both personal and professional contexts.

influencing others

Why is influencing others important in the workplace?

1. Enhanced Leadership Abilities

Mastering the skill of influencing others is fundamental for effective leadership in the workplace. Leaders who can persuasively communicate their vision and inspire their team members to embrace new ideas or changes are more likely to achieve their objectives efficiently. This skill ensures that leaders can rally their teams around common goals, fostering a collaborative and motivated work environment.

2. Improved Conflict Resolution

The ability to influence others plays a critical role in resolving conflicts within the workplace. By understanding different perspectives and employing persuasive communication, individuals can negotiate solutions that are acceptable to all parties involved. This skill helps in maintaining harmony and ensuring that small disagreements do not escalate into larger issues, thus preserving a positive work atmosphere.

3. Enhanced Career Advancement Opportunities

In the competitive environment of the workplace, the ability to influence others can set an individual apart and open doors to career advancement. Whether it's convincing management of the viability of a new project or persuading a team to adopt a different approach, being seen as someone who can effectively influence others can lead to recognition, promotions, and leadership opportunities. This skill is invaluable for anyone looking to grow their career and take on more significant roles within an organization.

influential person

Five Tips for Answering Skill-Based Interview Questions on Influencing Others

1. Highlight Specific Examples

When discussing your ability to influence others, it's crucial to bring up specific instances where your influence led to positive outcomes. Whether it was swaying a team's opinion on a project direction, convincing stakeholders to support an initiative, or motivating colleagues to adopt a new process, detailed examples will make your influencing skills tangible and memorable to the interviewer.

2. Explain Your Approach

Influencing others is as much about your approach as it is about the results. Describe the strategies and communication styles you've used to persuade others. Whether through logical argumentation, emotional appeal, or by leading by example, explaining the "how" behind your influence gives insight into your interpersonal skills and adaptability.

3. Demonstrate Emotional Intelligence

A key component of influencing others is understanding and empathizing with their perspectives. Discuss times when you've had to adjust your approach based on the audience's feelings, concerns, or preferences. Showcasing your emotional intelligence illustrates your ability to navigate complex social situations and connect with people on a deeper level.

4. Reflect on Challenges and Learning

Influencing doesn't always go smoothly. Be prepared to talk about times when you faced resistance or when your initial attempts to influence were unsuccessful. What's important is how you adapted and what you learned from these experiences. This not only shows resilience but also that you're capable of growth and self-improvement.

5. Quantify Your Impact

Whenever possible, quantify the impact of your influence. Did your persuasion lead to increased sales, improved team productivity, or enhanced customer satisfaction? Concrete metrics provide clear evidence of your effectiveness in influencing others and underscore the value you can bring to the organization.

influencing skills

50 Interview Questions About Influencing Others (With Answers)

1. Can you describe a time when you had to influence a team to achieve a common goal?

In my previous role, our team was tasked with launching a new product within a tight timeframe. Initially, there was resistance due to the perceived workload and complexity. I organized a series of workshops to clearly communicate the project’s benefits and break down the tasks into manageable steps. By addressing concerns, providing support, and highlighting the potential impact on our company’s success, I was able to align the team towards our common goal. The product was launched successfully and received positive feedback from customers, demonstrating the power of collaborative effort and shared vision.

2. How do you approach persuading someone who initially disagrees with you?

When persuading someone who initially disagrees, I first seek to understand their perspective by asking open-ended questions and actively listening to their concerns. I then present my viewpoint with supporting evidence and data, addressing their specific concerns. I strive to find common ground and propose a solution that incorporates elements of both viewpoints. This approach shows respect for their opinion and demonstrates a willingness to collaborate, which often leads to a more receptive attitude.

3. What strategies do you use to gain buy-in for your ideas?

To gain buy-in for my ideas, I ensure that I clearly articulate the benefits and potential impact of my proposal. I involve stakeholders early in the process, soliciting their input and feedback to make them feel invested in the outcome. Presenting data and case studies that support my ideas helps build credibility. Additionally, I address any potential objections and provide solutions to mitigate risks. By demonstrating how my ideas align with organizational goals and values, I increase the likelihood of securing buy-in.

4. Describe a situation where you had to change someone’s mind on an important issue.

I once had to convince a colleague to adopt a new software tool that I believed would significantly improve our team's productivity. Initially, they were resistant due to familiarity with the existing tool and concerns about the learning curve. I arranged a demonstration session, highlighting the new tool’s features and efficiencies. I also shared testimonials from other teams who had successfully adopted it. By providing hands-on training and addressing their concerns with real-world examples, I eventually changed their mind, and the entire team benefited from the improved workflow.

5. How do you handle resistance when trying to influence others?

When encountering resistance, I address it by first understanding the root cause. I engage in open dialogue, allowing the person to express their concerns fully. I acknowledge their perspective and provide clear, factual information to counter misconceptions. Demonstrating empathy and patience helps build trust. I also look for compromise or middle-ground solutions that can address their concerns while still achieving the desired outcome. Continuous communication and follow-up ensure that the person feels heard and supported throughout the process.

6. Can you provide an example of when you successfully motivated a colleague or team member?

A team member was struggling with a complex project and felt overwhelmed. I took the time to understand their challenges and provided them with additional resources and training. I broke down the project into smaller, more manageable tasks and set incremental goals to help them regain confidence. Regular check-ins and positive reinforcement for their progress motivated them to stay focused and committed. Ultimately, they completed the project successfully and expressed gratitude for the support and encouragement, which boosted their overall performance and morale.

7. What techniques do you use to build trust and credibility with others?

Building trust and credibility involves consistently demonstrating reliability, integrity, and transparency. I make sure to deliver on my promises and meet deadlines. Open and honest communication is key, so I share information freely and admit when I don’t have all the answers. Actively listening to others and valuing their input fosters mutual respect. Providing constructive feedback and recognizing others’ contributions also helps build a foundation of trust. By maintaining these practices, I create a trustworthy and credible presence in the workplace.

8. How do you adapt your influencing style to different personalities?

Adapting my influencing style requires understanding each individual’s communication preferences and motivations. For analytical personalities, I present data and logical arguments. For more relational individuals, I focus on building rapport and emphasizing the benefits for the team. With those who prefer a direct approach, I am concise and to the point. For creative thinkers, I engage them in brainstorming sessions and encourage innovative solutions. By tailoring my approach to match their style, I can more effectively influence and connect with a diverse range of personalities.

9. Describe a time when you had to influence senior management on a critical decision.

I needed to influence senior management to invest in a new marketing strategy that I believed would significantly increase our market share. I prepared a comprehensive presentation that included market research, competitor analysis, and projected ROI. I also provided case studies from similar companies that had successfully implemented the strategy. During the meeting, I addressed potential concerns and demonstrated how the strategy aligned with our long-term goals. My thorough preparation and evidence-based approach convinced senior management to approve the investment, leading to a successful campaign and increased market share.

10. How do you ensure your message is clear and compelling when trying to influence others?

To ensure my message is clear and compelling, I focus on concise communication and use storytelling techniques to illustrate key points. I start with a strong opening that captures attention, followed by a logical progression of ideas supported by data and examples. I highlight the benefits and address potential objections upfront. Visual aids such as charts and graphs can help simplify complex information. By anticipating questions and preparing responses, I can maintain clarity and keep the audience engaged. Regularly seeking feedback on my communication style helps me refine my approach.

11. Can you give an example of a time when you had to negotiate to achieve a desired outcome?

During a contract negotiation with a major supplier, I needed to secure better pricing and more favorable terms for our company. I conducted thorough research on market rates and the supplier's competitors. I approached the negotiation with a collaborative mindset, expressing our desire for a long-term partnership. By presenting data-driven arguments and demonstrating the mutual benefits of the proposed terms, I was able to negotiate a 15% cost reduction and more flexible delivery schedules. This outcome not only saved costs but also strengthened our relationship with the supplier.

12. How do you handle situations where you need to influence without authority?

Influencing without authority involves building relationships, establishing credibility, and leveraging indirect influence techniques. I focus on understanding the perspectives and motivations of key stakeholders. By demonstrating expertise and providing valuable insights, I build trust and credibility. I use collaborative approaches, such as involving others in decision-making and seeking their input, to create a sense of ownership and alignment. Additionally, I identify and enlist allies who can advocate for my ideas, helping to amplify my influence even without formal authority.

13. Describe a time when you used data or evidence to support your point of view.

In a discussion about optimizing our marketing budget, I used data analytics to support my recommendation for reallocating funds. I presented a detailed analysis of past campaign performance, showing which channels yielded the highest ROI. By providing clear visualizations and metrics, I demonstrated how shifting resources to these high-performing channels could improve overall campaign effectiveness. The evidence-based approach convinced the team to adopt my recommendation, leading to a more efficient allocation of our marketing budget and improved results.

14. How do you build and maintain relationships that help you influence effectively?

Building and maintaining relationships involves regular communication, mutual respect, and genuine interest in others’ perspectives and needs. I make an effort to understand the goals and challenges of my colleagues and stakeholders, offering support and assistance where possible. I prioritize open and honest communication, addressing issues proactively and providing constructive feedback. By being reliable and consistent, I establish trust and credibility. Regularly engaging in team-building activities and social interactions also helps strengthen relationships and fosters a collaborative environment.

15. Can you share an experience where your influencing skills led to a successful project outcome?

I once led a project to implement a new customer feedback system. Initially, there was skepticism about the system's benefits. I organized a series of demonstrations and training sessions to show how the system could improve our customer service and provide valuable insights. By sharing success stories from other departments and addressing concerns with data-driven evidence, I gained buy-in from the team. The successful implementation of the system led to a 20% increase in customer satisfaction and more actionable insights for continuous improvement.

16. How do you balance assertiveness and empathy when trying to influence others?

Balancing assertiveness and empathy involves confidently expressing my ideas while being attentive to others' feelings and perspectives. I clearly state my position and the rationale behind it, but also actively listen to understand any concerns or objections. Demonstrating empathy by acknowledging and validating others' viewpoints helps build rapport and trust. By finding common ground and being open to compromise, I can assert my ideas effectively while maintaining positive relationships.

17. What role does active listening play in your influencing strategy?

Active listening is crucial in my influencing strategy as it helps build trust, understand others' perspectives, and tailor my approach to their needs. By fully focusing on the speaker, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback, I demonstrate that I value their input. Active listening allows me to address concerns more effectively and find mutually beneficial solutions. It also fosters a collaborative environment, making others more receptive to my ideas.

18. Describe a situation where you had to influence a group to change their approach.

In a previous role, our team’s approach to project management was outdated and inefficient. I proposed adopting an Agile methodology to improve flexibility and collaboration. To influence the group, I organized workshops to demonstrate the benefits of Agile and provided training sessions to ease the transition. I also shared success stories from other teams who had successfully adopted Agile. By addressing concerns and providing ongoing support, I was able to influence the team to embrace the new approach, resulting in increased efficiency and better project outcomes.

19. How do you handle conflict when trying to influence others?

When handling conflict, I remain calm and focused on the issue rather than the individuals involved. I encourage open dialogue and actively listen to all perspectives to understand the root causes of the conflict. By finding common ground and highlighting shared goals, I facilitate a collaborative problem-solving process. I also seek to address any misunderstandings and clarify my intentions. Maintaining respect and empathy throughout the process helps de-escalate tensions and fosters a more cooperative atmosphere.

20. Can you give an example of a time when you influenced a decision in a meeting?

During a strategic planning meeting, I proposed a new market entry strategy that required a significant shift in our current approach. Initially, there was hesitation among the team. I presented a well-researched proposal, including market analysis, potential ROI, and risk mitigation strategies. By addressing concerns and providing compelling data, I was able to influence the team to adopt the new strategy. This decision led to a successful market entry and substantial growth for the company.

21. How do you prepare for important conversations where you need to influence others?

I prepare for important conversations by thoroughly researching the topic and understanding the perspectives of those involved. I anticipate potential objections and prepare responses backed by data and evidence. I outline key points and objectives, ensuring that my message is clear and compelling. Practicing active listening techniques and considering the emotional aspects of the conversation also helps me stay composed and responsive. By being well-prepared, I can confidently present my case and address any concerns effectively.

22. Describe a time when you had to use storytelling to influence others.

I once had to convince senior management to invest in a new employee wellness program. Rather than just presenting data, I shared a compelling story about an employee who had benefited from a similar program at a previous company. I highlighted how the program improved their well-being and productivity, creating a positive ripple effect on the team’s morale and performance. This storytelling approach resonated emotionally with the audience and helped illustrate the potential impact of the program, leading to approval and successful implementation.

23. How do you leverage your network to influence key stakeholders?

I leverage my network by identifying key allies and advocates who can support my ideas and help amplify my message. I engage with influential colleagues and stakeholders early in the process, seeking their input and building consensus. By fostering strong relationships and maintaining regular communication, I can mobilize my network to endorse and promote my proposals. This collaborative approach helps build momentum and increase the likelihood of gaining support from key stakeholders.

24. Can you share an instance where you influenced someone without them realizing it?

During a team project, I noticed a colleague was resistant to using a new software tool. Instead of directly confronting them, I started using the tool myself and demonstrated its benefits through my work. I casually shared tips and shortcuts during team meetings and highlighted how the tool improved efficiency. Gradually, the colleague began to see the advantages and adopted the tool voluntarily. By subtly showcasing the benefits and leading by example, I influenced their behavior without direct persuasion.

25. How do you ensure that your influence is ethical and respectful?

I ensure that my influence is ethical and respectful by being transparent about my intentions and motivations. I respect others' viewpoints and avoid manipulation or coercion. I base my arguments on facts and evidence, and I seek to understand and address any concerns or objections. By maintaining integrity and fostering open communication, I build trust and ensure that my influence supports the best interests of all parties involved.

26. Describe a time when you had to influence a customer or client to see things your way.

I had to convince a client to adopt a new digital marketing strategy that involved a significant shift from traditional methods. They were skeptical about the potential ROI and the learning curve for their team. I presented a detailed analysis of market trends and case studies of similar businesses that had successfully transitioned. I also offered a pilot program to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new strategy. By providing data, addressing concerns, and offering a low-risk trial, I successfully influenced the client to adopt the new approach, leading to improved marketing results.

27. What role does emotional intelligence play in your ability to influence others?

Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in my ability to influence others by helping me understand and manage my emotions and those of others. It enables me to build rapport, empathize with different perspectives, and navigate social complexities effectively. By being attuned to the emotional undercurrents in interactions, I can tailor my approach to resonate more deeply with others, fostering trust and cooperation. Emotional intelligence also helps me remain calm and composed in challenging situations, enhancing my overall influence.

28. Can you give an example of a time when you influenced someone through your actions rather than words?

During a high-pressure project, I noticed team members were hesitant to work overtime to meet a tight deadline. Instead of requesting extra hours verbally, I stayed late myself and focused on critical tasks. Seeing my commitment and dedication, other team members gradually followed suit without any direct prompting. My actions demonstrated my commitment to the project and inspired the team to step up and contribute additional effort, leading to the successful completion of the project on time.

29. How do you use feedback to improve your influencing skills?

I use feedback to improve my influencing skills by actively seeking input from colleagues and stakeholders after key interactions. I reflect on their feedback to identify areas for improvement and adjust my approach accordingly. I also engage in regular self-assessment and solicit feedback through formal channels such as performance reviews. By being open to constructive criticism and continuously learning from my experiences, I can refine my techniques and become a more effective influencer.

30. Describe a time when you had to influence someone in a high-stakes situation.

During a critical project review with a major client, I needed to persuade them to approve a significant change in the project scope to address unforeseen challenges. The stakes were high as their approval was essential for the project's success. I prepared a detailed presentation outlining the benefits and necessity of the change, backed by data and risk assessments. I also highlighted the potential long-term gains and addressed their concerns transparently. My thorough preparation and clear communication convinced the client to approve the change, ensuring the project's successful continuation.

31. How do you deal with people who are difficult to influence?

Dealing with difficult-to-influence individuals requires patience, empathy, and strategic communication. I focus on building rapport and understanding their underlying motivations and concerns. By actively listening and acknowledging their perspective, I create a foundation of trust. I then present my case with clear, evidence-based arguments and seek to find common ground. If necessary, I involve third parties who they trust to help reinforce my message. Persistence and adaptability are key to gradually overcoming resistance.

32. Can you share an experience where you used collaboration to influence others?

In a cross-departmental project, I needed to align multiple teams with different priorities towards a common goal. I organized collaborative workshops to facilitate open discussions and shared decision-making. By encouraging team members to contribute their ideas and leveraging their expertise, I fostered a sense of ownership and mutual respect. This collaborative approach helped build consensus and align everyone towards the project objectives, resulting in a successful and cohesive execution.

33. How do you measure the effectiveness of your influencing efforts?

I measure the effectiveness of my influencing efforts by evaluating the outcomes of the decisions and actions taken as a result of my influence. This includes tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), gathering feedback from stakeholders, and assessing the alignment with organizational goals. Regular reflection on my strategies and seeking input on the impact of my influence help me understand what worked well and identify areas for improvement.

34. Describe a time when you had to influence someone with a different communication style.

I once needed to influence a technical expert who preferred detailed, data-driven communication, whereas I typically use a more conceptual approach. To align with their style, I prepared a comprehensive report with in-depth data analysis and technical details. I focused on the logical and analytical aspects of my proposal, ensuring that my arguments were backed by robust evidence. By adapting my communication style to match their preferences, I successfully conveyed my message and gained their support for the project.

35. How do you stay calm and composed when trying to influence in stressful situations?

Staying calm and composed in stressful situations involves maintaining a clear focus on the objectives and practicing active listening. I take deep breaths and pause to collect my thoughts before responding. Preparing thoroughly in advance and having contingency plans helps me feel more confident and in control. By remaining empathetic and respectful, I can navigate the conversation more effectively, even under pressure.

36. Can you give an example of when you used persuasion to overcome an objection?

During a budget review meeting, a stakeholder objected to increasing funding for a new project due to perceived risks. I used persuasion by first acknowledging their concerns and then presenting a risk mitigation plan. I provided data on potential ROI and demonstrated how the investment aligned with strategic goals. By addressing their objections with factual information and proposing solutions, I was able to persuade them to approve the budget increase.

37. How do you ensure that your influence aligns with organizational goals and values?

I ensure my influence aligns with organizational goals and values by thoroughly understanding the company’s mission, vision, and strategic objectives. I regularly communicate with leadership to stay informed about priorities and expectations. When presenting ideas or influencing decisions, I highlight how they support and advance these goals and values. This alignment helps build credibility and ensures that my efforts contribute positively to the organization’s success.

38. Describe a situation where you had to influence someone with more experience or seniority.

I needed to convince a senior executive to adopt a new technology solution that I believed would streamline our operations. Despite their initial skepticism, I presented a well-researched proposal, including case studies from similar organizations and a detailed cost-benefit analysis. I also demonstrated the potential for long-term savings and efficiency gains. By respecting their experience and providing compelling evidence, I successfully influenced them to approve the implementation, leading to significant operational improvements.

39. Describe a time when you had to influence multiple stakeholders with conflicting interests.

During a strategic planning session, I needed to align multiple stakeholders with conflicting interests on a new initiative. I facilitated a series of workshops to understand their perspectives and identify common goals. By presenting a balanced analysis and highlighting the mutual benefits of collaboration, I created a sense of shared purpose. I also proposed compromises and adjustments to address key concerns. Through continuous communication and building consensus, I successfully influenced the stakeholders to support the initiative, leading to a cohesive and effective strategy.

40. How do you handle it when your attempts to influence are unsuccessful?

When my attempts to influence are unsuccessful, I reflect on the situation to understand what went wrong. I seek feedback from the involved parties to gain insights into their perspectives and concerns. I use this information to adjust my approach and identify alternative strategies. Remaining open-minded and resilient, I continue to build relationships and look for future opportunities to present my case. Learning from each experience helps me improve my influencing skills over time.

41. Can you share a time when you influenced a team to embrace a new process or technology?

I led an initiative to implement a new project management software across our team. Initially, there was resistance due to the learning curve and changes in workflow. I organized training sessions and provided ongoing support to ease the transition. By highlighting the benefits, such as improved collaboration and efficiency, and addressing concerns with empathy and patience, I was able to influence the team to embrace the new technology. This led to streamlined processes and better project outcomes.

42. How do you build consensus among team members with diverse opinions?

Building consensus involves creating an inclusive environment where all team members feel heard and valued. I facilitate open discussions, encouraging everyone to share their perspectives and ideas. By actively listening and identifying common goals, I work to find a middle ground that addresses the main concerns of each party. I also highlight the benefits of a unified approach and demonstrate how it aligns with our overall objectives. This collaborative process helps build consensus and fosters a sense of collective ownership.

43. Describe a time when you had to influence without using formal authority or power.

As a project coordinator, I needed to secure the cooperation of team members from different departments who did not report to me. I focused on building strong relationships and understanding their priorities and challenges. By demonstrating the mutual benefits of collaboration and aligning the project goals with their interests, I was able to gain their support. Through regular communication and appreciation of their contributions, I successfully influenced the team to work together, resulting in a successful project outcome.

44. How do you use nonverbal communication to enhance your influence?

Nonverbal communication, such as body language, eye contact, and facial expressions, plays a crucial role in enhancing influence. I use open and confident body language to convey trustworthiness and credibility. Maintaining eye contact shows attentiveness and respect, while positive facial expressions help create a friendly and approachable demeanor. Being mindful of my tone and posture reinforces my verbal messages and helps build rapport and trust with others.

45. Can you give an example of a time when you had to influence someone to take a calculated risk?

I needed to persuade a colleague to invest in a new marketing strategy that involved a calculated risk but had the potential for high rewards. I presented a detailed analysis of the potential benefits, including projected ROI and market opportunities. I also outlined a risk mitigation plan and highlighted successful case studies from similar initiatives. By addressing their concerns and providing a well-rounded perspective, I influenced them to take the risk, which ultimately led to a successful campaign and significant business growth.

46. How do you balance influencing others while remaining open to their ideas?

Balancing influence and openness involves active listening and valuing diverse perspectives. I encourage open dialogue and invite others to share their ideas and feedback. By demonstrating respect for their viewpoints and considering their input, I create a collaborative environment. I present my ideas confidently but remain flexible and willing to adapt based on new information or insights. This approach fosters mutual respect and enhances the overall decision-making process.

47. Describe a situation where you had to influence a group under a tight deadline.

During a critical product launch, we faced a tight deadline, and the team was hesitant about meeting the aggressive timeline. I organized a meeting to address their concerns and outline a clear, step-by-step plan to achieve our goals. By breaking down tasks, assigning specific responsibilities, and providing additional resources and support, I influenced the group to commit to the deadline. My motivational approach and clear communication helped rally the team, and we successfully launched the product on time.

48. How do you maintain authenticity while trying to influence others?

Maintaining authenticity involves being genuine, transparent, and consistent in my actions and communication. I share my true thoughts and motivations, ensuring that my intentions are clear. By aligning my influencing efforts with my values and principles, I build trust and credibility. I also listen actively and show empathy, demonstrating that I value others’ perspectives. Being authentic helps create genuine connections and fosters a positive, trust-based environment.

49. Can you share an experience where you influenced someone to change their behavior?

I once had to influence a colleague who frequently missed deadlines, impacting team performance. Instead of directly confronting them, I scheduled a one-on-one meeting to discuss the issue. I used a collaborative approach, expressing understanding of their challenges and offering support. By setting clear expectations, providing resources, and regularly checking in on their progress, I was able to positively influence their behavior. Over time, their punctuality improved, benefiting the entire team’s productivity.

50. How do you ensure that your influence leads to long-term, sustainable changes?

To ensure long-term, sustainable changes, I focus on creating a shared vision and building strong relationships based on trust and respect. I involve stakeholders in the decision-making process, ensuring they feel a sense of ownership and commitment. Providing ongoing support, training, and resources helps reinforce the changes. Regularly monitoring progress and celebrating milestones maintains momentum. By embedding new practices into the organizational culture, I ensure that the changes are sustainable and enduring.